Treatment for Sarcoids? Opinions are sharply divided between early aggressive treatment (surgical removal, toxic creams, laser removal, chemotherapy) and the conservative approach. Spontaneous cures/remission is possible and some vets think it can be commonplace. Although there are no figures available to give a definitive answer.
What are Sarcoids?
Sarcoids are a relatively common tumour seen in horses of all kinds. Although they generally cause no major health problems because they are limited to spreading on the skin alone, the presence of sarcoids can cause irritation, problems with tack and a loss of value if selling your horse.
It is believed that sarcoids are caused by the BPV virus spread between horses by flies. They are seen most commonly around eyes, ears, chest, the belly and the lower limbs. Some horses may only have one sarcoid whilst others may have several across their body.
How do I recognise a sarcoid on my horse?
Sarcoids can present in a number of different ways:
- Flat: Hairless areas of dry, thickened, hairless skin
- Nodular: rounded often hairless lumps
- Fibroblastic: can appear like a wound that doesn’t heal as expected.
- Verucose: Wart like lump
- Malevolent: can spread along the skin causing a chain of lumps and ulcers.
- Mixed: can be a combination of different types.
Sarcoids are usually only small but can grow over 10 cm in some cases. Some appear very similar to other skin tumours seen in horses. If in doubt, always consult your vet.
Treatment for Sarcoids?
Opinions are sharply divided between early aggressive treatment (surgical removal, toxic creams, laser removal, chemotherapy) and the conservative approach. Spontaneous cures/remission is possible and some vets think it can be commonplace. Although there are no figures available to give a definitive answer.
The immune system and gut health connection.
It is reasonable to consider that horses which develop sarcoids have a defective immune response to the BPV Virus. Some horses may be more susceptible to it than others and there is still a lot more to be learned about them and how the horse's body responds to the virus.
There may be a genetic factor, a weakened immune system or nutritional deficiencies. We are noticing the immune system appears to be lower in horses that have poor digestive function or digestive issues. Therefore, it would be sensible to support the horse with good nutrition and supplementation in order to keep optimum balance to the gut and inturn support the immune system.
The horse's gut can become out of balance when the good bacteria levels become compromised either by a feeding regime including too many cereals, haylage, worming, stress, gastric ulcers or ill health. All these can raise the PH level within the gut.
The Radiance Gold.
Radiance Gold was originally designed and developed predominantly as a gut balancer. Our customers are reporting incredible results and improvements to skin to us on a daily basis.
Do these daily growing reports offer credence to the theory that the key to supporting the horse's immune system is through working on their gut health? If there is a simple answer to supporting a horse's immune system or at the very least part of the key, how fantastic is it for the horse to have a non-invasive and simple solution?
Every horse with skin concerns is different and will need to be treated accordingly. Please consult your vet before you consider any treatment options for your horse or pony. Do always ask about the conservative/gentler/non-invasive approach. We now have vets that are recommending and also selling Radiance Gold around the UK, but many are still yet to hear about it. Of course we are not vets and cannot advise as such. Every horse and their skin concerns are different and will need to be treated accordingly. A combined approach can also be useful.